I remember the day that little Brita pitcher walked into my life.  It gave me filtered water in a filterless environment.  I filled her up every time I consumed water.  I was happy.  Satisfied with my eco-friendly, financially savvy decision.  Yay me!  
    Then the days became weeks, the weeks became months, the filter remained the same, the enthusiasm in refilling began fading, and soon I started dehydrating from laziness.  I began experiencing a slight tingle (not the good kind either!)  when urinating…probably the beginnings of a urinary tract or bladder infection as a result of not consuming water.  But I was a trooper!  I would jug some cranberry juice and presto…tingle eliminated.  Then something happened…
    I found myself walking down the beverage aisle at Publix, when I stumbled upon a package of 24 Zephyrhills water bottles with a sale sign that read “$3.99, savings of $1.99”.  Now I’m frugal and I recycle…so this sale was a suitable fit.  I arrived at home, and stocked my little fridge with water bottles.  When my daughter asked for water, I handed her a bottle instead of persuading her to drink Caprisun.  In fact, I grabbed a bottle at room temperature, and continued my critical activities of checking emails and my Facebook feed.  When we were done, I grabbed both of our bottles, opened the door and dropped them off in my little recycling bin.  Life was good.  No refilling, no washing cups, no time taken away from my important Facebook hovering, no expired filters, and no more dehydration.
    Lesson: understand your limitations…if you can’t change the filter, put down the pitcher and pick up a bottle! 
