Category : Movies

5 posts

  I loved it.  In fact I loved it so much that I went to see it alone, and then took my 16 year old daughter to see it the next day.  So, we loved it. The truth is that I adore Richard Linklater’s films, his portrayal of life, his ability to capture the most seemingly …
The 90’s: we had the end of the Cold War, Hurricane Andrew, Microsoft Windows, Anita Hill vs. Clarence Thomas & his Coke can, let’s not forget the O.J. Simpson trial, the Spice Girls, Nirvana, Harry Potter, Millennium parties and the reason I’m writing this…Pulp Fiction. I wasn’t sure how to start this blog, considering that …
My teen daughter appears one afternoon with a blue book in her hand and says, “Mom, read this…you’ll like it.”  So what do I do? Immediately, I log onto my Amazon account, and buy my own copy because when your teen is reaching out to you, you jump…(trust me parents of babies or toddlers, exhausted, …
This enjoyable film that was written and directed by Woody Allen, will inspire viewers to all say the same thing during and after the film: I love Paris.  At least those of us that have been there will feel nostalgia sweep over, leaving us with a longing to return to Paris in the rain. The …
Can you guess what the #1 Halloween costume might be this year for the ladies?  Probably Jennifer Anniston’s little doctor/man-napper outfit (if you’ve seen the movie you know the outfit I’m talking about, and if you haven’t seen it…go watch the movie).  This was Jennifer’s best role in a long time…she was her sexy, funny …