It’s 6:30 am, my beloved has set the cardiac-arrest-inducing alarm to snooze again.  I walk over to the lobby whose architecture has a Spanish air to it, grab some much needed coffee, sit down next to a bougainvillea-adorned window overlooking the street below, and begin to write.  
    You can see the ocean from where I’m sitting.  The tiny boutique shops showcasing the local art have not yet opened.  There’s a central courtyard that is in bloom with a gazebo.  Every step brings you to another breath-taking specimen of a plant.  Even the Taco Bell across the street is pretty.  This is Laguna Beach.
    I cannot recreate the sensation of being in this picturesque town by the sea.  Just go.  Stay at the Holiday Inn Laguna Beach.  Even the street signs are works of art.  Every walk unveils another treasure within Laguna’s maritime mist of wonder.  
    I will leave you with two quotes found on the fence overlooking the ocean in Brown’s park, which you must discover for yourself.  One sign has a border made up of “sight” written repeatedly, and it says: “In this fleeting moment what extravagant respite as promethean sunsets blossom, blaze, and secede from splendor to mystery”.  Next to it is the other, the border has “sound” instead of “sight”, and it reads: “In this moment what extravagant respite as blooming surf speaks its mystical passage across the undreamed depths”.
    Welcome to Laguna. 
