Make a day of it…Go to the stunning Getty Villa overlooking the spectacular view of the coast in Malibu, drive by the location where Two and A Half Men are filmed to see what Charlie’s up to now…oh, sorry, I mean Ashton, and then continue on to a wooden restaurant located on your left hand side, and prepare to be delighted.  
    First, make sure you seat has a view of the ocean because you will probably see dolphins gracefully swimming by, surfers enjoying the thrill of the sea, and huge waves that reach up to the windows.  It’s amazing…try to go around sunset with a Mai Tai in your hand.
    Second, order the Fisherman’s Chowder…it’s amazing.  However, it is heavy so it could easily end up becoming your meal.  If you are able to make it to the entrees, then try any of their fish.   Duke’s only serves fish that is in season, and their selection is always delicious.  Once you decide on the fish, you then choose the way you would like it to be prepared: parmesan herb crusted, firecracker, banana leaf steamed, and another one I can’t remember.  I had the Opa prepared firecracker style, which simply means it’s spicy and scrumptious.  The dessert menu is also quite delicious if you can make it to that point, which I could not…hello?! 2 meals in one sitting…I eat yogurt and I’m full!
    So if you’re in Los Angeles, stay in Venice Beach (I’ll get to that section soon!), and take a drive…make a day of it in Malibu…go to the Getty Villa and then have an early supper at Duke’s.

Duke’s in Malibu gets 4 Mai Tai salutes!
