Category : Cool Places

23 posts

Hmmm…where shall I begin…Okay, at the beginning. I’m a huge fan.  I basically have the emotional maturity of a middle schooler, which is how I understand my students.  I blast “Roar” and “Wide Awake” when it comes on or any other Katy Perry song.  I once spent an entire karaoke-style evening singing Katy even though …
Craft beers.  Locally grown food.  Environmentally conscious.  Pet-friendly. What am I talking about? LoKal Miami of course, located in the heart of Coconut Grove. LoKal runs on 100% renewable energy sourced from wind and solar power.  Their beers are amazing and most of them are from Florida breweries…I personally am a huge fan of the …
Going shopping with my mother is always an adventure because she finds these cool places that I’ve never heard of…an activity she was notorious for when I was a kid because she, my dad and I would end up driving to Miami’s city limits to find the best Mexican food, or the best shoes.  Now that I’m …